VOICE Today held a prayer breakfast on November 10 and the topic was Standing In The Gap for Survivors of Child sexual abuse. I would ask each of you to think about this for a moment.
Are you too afraid of what others might think to stand up against child sexual abuse?
Are you too afraid of what others might think to walk into a class to learn about the behaviors of a predator?
Are you too afraid to apply what you learn and be a vigilant protector of all the children in your world?
Are you afraid to take action and speak out when you see behavior that is suspicious?
Child sexual abuse will only stop when all of us Stand in the Gap and protect kids. It can only stop if we are an informed society that understands the behavior of a predator and has the courage to act.
CDC in Atlanta projects that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually molested before age 18. We, as a country, are doing a horrifyingly poor job of protecting our children.
Reading this and passing it on to your contacts is a first step. The second step is to connect with organizations, such as VOICE Today, TAALK, Darkness to Light or your local child advocacy center and arrange for training for your community, so you are prepared to educate/protect children and be a voice of protection for them.
Join WWW.THEINNOCENCEREVOLUTION.NET to help educate adults and protect children worldwide.
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